The Anasazi Farmers

Although the Anasazi people did some small game hunting, they were primarily farmers.

The crops they typically grew are referred to as "the three sisters." They included corn, beans, and squash.

The Anasazis used crude
handmade tools to take care of their crops and also had challenges presented to them by the warm,
dry climate of the American Southwest.

This painting of an Anasazi farmer shows how each plant was carefully tended. Although the quality of the soil posed a
challenge to these Native Peoples, they
did their best to feed their village.


This type of bowl
and grinding rock was used
by the Anasazis
for grinding corn into usable flour. A matate is the large stone
on which the grain is placed. A mano is a smaller stone tool or rock that is used
to grind the corn.

After the Anasazis harvested the corn,
it was stored in a rock structured granary for later use.